Illinois Lt. Governor Pat Quinn to speak at AGM opening reception on Tuesday, April 17

Other speakers at Chicago Annual Meeting include Lu. Bold, Chairman of Minerals & Petroleum Authority;  
Ambassador Mark Minton and Ambassador D. Gotov
Last chance to register for 17th AGM, April 17-19,  
and reserve group rate rooms at Hotel Allegro

Click here to download registration form

Illinois Lt. Governor Pat Quinn will be our guest of honor at the April 17 opening reception of the Chicago AGM. Governor Quinn joins a distinguished roster of speakers that also includes Lu. Bold, Chairman of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (MRPAM), US Ambassador to Mongolia Mark Minton, and Dr. D. Gotov, Mongolia 's ambassador to Canada and former Economic Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia. The Honorable Patrick J. Quinn, 58, was reelected to his second term as Lieutenant Governor of Illinois in November 2006. He previously served as the elected State Treasurer from 1991 to 1995. Please see additional biographical information below.  US Ambassador Mark Minton will address our 17th annual general meeting (AGM) in Chicago on April 18. Ambassador Minton took up his post in Ulaanbaatar in September 2006; within 24 hours of his arrival, one of his first meetings was with NAMBC Chairman Ed Story and other officers of the Business Council. Prior to his current post, Mr. Minton was Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Seoul , South Korea. Additional biographical information follows below. Coming to the AGM from Mongolia is His Excellency Luvsanvandan Bold, 45, who has served as Chairman of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (MRPRAM) since 2004. Prior to his appointment, he served as Chairman of the Golomt Bank, President of the Bodi International Group, one of the nation’s largest conglomerates, and as President of the Mongolian Bankers Association. Lu. Bold earlier served a total of six years as a Member of Parliament, most recently as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Promotion of Foreign Investment, 1996-2000. Bold currently serves as President of the Mongolian Athletics Association and as Chairman of the Mongolia-Germany Business Council. He is a graduate of the Trade Union University Bernau in Berlin . He speaks English, German, Russian and French. Also speaking on April 18 is Ambassador Durgerjav Gotov, 55, Mongolia’s ambassador to Canada since September 2005 and a longtime friend of the Business Council. Previously, he served as Executive Secretary of the National Security Council of Mongolia and as Chief Economic Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia. Earlier, Dr. Gotov had been a Project Coordinator with the World Bank and a senior official of the Mongolian Ministry of Infrastructure Development. Ambassador Gotov is a graduate of Mongolian State University . He earned his Ph.D. in technical science at the Transport Institute of Slovakia.  He later received his MSc. in Transport Planning and Engineering from the University of Leeds (UK), of which President N. Enkhbayar is also an alumnus. He speaks English, Russian and Slovakian. Make your reservations at Hotel Allegro at special group rate -- Reservations at the Hotel Allegro after March 27 are on a space-available basis. The Hotel Allegro is a short walk from the Mid-America Club, where the business sessions will be held on April18. The deadline for registration to attend the AGM is Monday, April 1.  The special NAMBC group rate is US$169.00 per night for a standard room with single or double occupancy plus the Chicago Hotel Tax of 15.39%. A premier room type (corner room with king size bed) is US$189.00 for single or double occupancy plus tax. For further information on the hotel, go to To make your reservations at the Hotel Allegro, send an email or fax mentioning the NAMBC with your name, address, arrival and departure dates, as well as bedding and smoking/non-smoking preferences. Your contact is Ms. Tracy S. Hunter, Hotel Allegro Chicago, direct telephone: 312-325-7192; direct fax: 866-315-7662, email address: [email protected]  Program outline -- The AGM program begins with an opening reception on the evening of April 17 at a special location TBA. Business sessions - including Ambassador Minton’s address - will be held on Wednesday, April 18, at the Mid-America Club. A variety of field trip options will be offered for Thursday, April 19.  On the agenda at the AGM will be election of officers and the board of directors for the coming year. Program updates will be sent to Members and registrants.  Registering to attend -- Click on the link above for a registration form. This form cannot be returned to the NAMBC via this website. Please see the form for instructions for registering and remittance of registration fees. For NAMBC Members only, second and other additional representatives from the same company or organization receive a 30% discount on registration fees.  Business meeting will be held at The Mid-America Club, located on the 80th floor of the landmark AON Center on East Randolph Street , offering panoramic views of Lake Michigan and the Chicago skyline. We are limited by the size of the facility so if you plan to be with us, please register now.   Governor Quinn has been a leader on energy and environment issues -- Throughout his public career, Lt. Governor Pat Quinn has been a leader on energy, environmental and healthcare issues, as well as support for US military personnel and their families.   He spearheaded the 1983 campaign to create the Citizens Utility Board. In 2003, Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed Quinn chairman of the Blackout Solutions Task Force to study the state’s power grid and prevent power outages. He also chairs the Mississippi River Coordinating Council, Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council, and the Illinois Biofuels Investment and Infrastructure Working Group. Before entering public service, Pat Quinn was a tax attorney. He earned his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University in international economics and a law degree from Northwestern University . The father of two sons, Quinn now lives in Chicago . He has served as Lt. Governor since 2003. Ambassador Minton is a 30-year veteran of the US Foreign Service -- Mark C. Minton has been a career member of the Foreign Service for 30 years.  He arrived in Ulaanbaatar on September 18, 2006 to take up his assignment as US Ambassador.  Mr. Minton was previously Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul , Republic of Korea .  During his assignment in Seoul , he acted for over six months as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.   Mr. Minton began his Foreign Service career as a Political Officer in Tokyo in 1977.  He served on the Policy Planning Staff in Washington , D.C. , followed by an assignment with the Office of Soviet Union Affairs.  In 1984, Mr. Minton became the Consul General in Sapporo , Japan .  He has served in subsequent assignments with the Department of State’s Executive Secretariat, as a Pearson Fellow with the United States Senate, and as Deputy Director, Japanese Affairs, at the Department of State.  In 1992, Mr. Minton became the Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs at the US Embassy in Seoul , after which he returned to Washington as the Director of Korean Affairs.  Mr. Minton’s next posting, in 1998, was as Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs at the US Mission to the United Nations, followed by a year as Diplomat-in-Residence at the City College of New York.   Minton graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Literature and received his Master's degree in History from Yale University .  He speaks Japanese and Korean.  He also is a veteran, having served three years in the United States Army.

AGM Chairman is Michael Kenny, Honorary Consul of Mongolia -- The Chairman of our 2007 AGM is G. Michael Kenny, Chief Operating Officer of NAMBC Member Chambers Gasket & Manufacturing Company. He has served as Honorary Consul of Mongolia for Illinois since 2004. A founding partner of Tall Corn Music, Michael is also one of the principals of Palladian Development, a Chicago-based real estate development company. He is former executive director of the North America-Mongolia Business Council.