Education Minister Otgonbayar to speak on January 25 in Washington
at Johns Hopkins SAIS on development of Mongolian democracy
Otgonbayar Yondon, 44, Mongolia’s Minister of Education, Culture & Science, will speak on the development of democracy in Mongolia on Monday, January 25, at 6:30 PM at the Rome Auditorium of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), 1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 The public is invited.
For further information, contact Mr. Ariel Wyckoff (Friends of Mongolia NGO), (202) 294-6465, [email protected] or Mr. Sambu Dawadash at the Mongolian Embassy, (202) 333-7117, extension 15, [email protected]
Garage parking is available in the immediate vicinity; SAIS’s Rome building is a short walk from the DuPont Circle Metro Station (South Exit). His speech, followed by Q&A and preceded by light refreshments, is sponsored by SAIS, the Mongolian Embassy, Friends of Mongolia NGO (FoM) and the NAMBC, among others. This will be Minister Otgonbayar’s only public address during his visit to Washington for discussions on expanding the Fulbright program in Mongolia and other education initiatives. The NAMBC gratefully recognizes the leadership of Ariel Wyckoff (FoM) in organizing this event.
Otgionbayar was appointed as Education Minister in September 2008. He previously served as Secretary General of the ruling Mongolian Peoples Revolutionary Party (MPRP), as Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister and as a career Foreign Service officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He received his MA in Diplomacy from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1989, a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the Indian Institute of Management and Marketing in New Delhi in 1995 and a Diploma in Policy Planning from the Academy of Management in Ulaanbaatar in 2000. |