10th Annual NAMBC Investors Conference & Prime Minister's Roundtable
REGISTRATION DEADLINE -- September 5 -- thereafter, add USD$50 to registration fee
EARLY REGISTRATION -- 10% discount on registration fees if forms and fees are received by July 25.
SUBMITTING THIS FORM: After filling out this form, you may (1) paste it into an email text box or as an MSWord attachment and e-mail back to [email protected] or 2) print it out and fax to the NAMBC at (703) 549-6526 OR (3) print out and mail it with your remittance to NAMBC, 1015 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3511 USA. Payment for registration fees must be made promptly by mail or bank wire transfer. Please fill out a separate form for each delegate if registering more than one.
NOTE: For NAMBC Members only, 2nd delegate from the same company or organization may register at a 25% discount, 3rd and all additional delegates at a 35% discount..
Mailing address & postal code:
Telephone (land line):
UB Cell phone (if any):
Direct email address for each delegate:
Registration Category/fee per person (circle or boldface one):
Non-Members/Individuals -- USD$750 per person
All Corporate Members of NAMBC-- USD$625 per person
Mongolian Associate Members of NAMBC -- USD$375 per person
Non-Member Mongolian citizens/Mongolian companies -- $400 per person
Non-Profit/Government/Embassies/International Organizations -- USD$375 per person
Mongolian Non-Profit Organizations -- USD$250 person
University student enrolled full-time -- USD$85
Remittance will be paid (check one): by check __ by wire transfer___
Remittance will be sent to (check one): To NAMBC/USA___ To Khan Bank/UB___