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Mongolian Herdsman Hats

Please click here for a picture. These hats are for sale for US$45.00 with shipping included for the lower 48 states (if you live in Virginia, please include 4.5% sales tax).

Business Guide to Mongolia: The practical guide introduces Mongolia to the foreign business person or to the tourist. It contains information on travel, sightseeing, business relations, useful contacts, legal framework, accommodation, customs, food etc. The book is officially endorsed by the US-Mongolia Business Council.  

About the Authors: Michael J. Moser is a partner of Baker & McKenzie and the resident partner in Beijing, China. He has traveled to Mongolia many times on business matters.Eugene Theroux is a partner of Baker & McKenzie based in its Washington, D.C. office. He has worked and resided in many countries including Beijing, India and visited Mongolia many times.  Price: USD$12.50 S&H: USD$5.00 (for international shipping, please inquire)Click Here to Order via Email (coming soon)                Click here to view cover

    Twentieth Century Mongolia, a history by Bat-Erdene Batbayar (better known as "Baabar") -- recently re-published in an English language edition by White Horse Press in the UK -- is the first history of modern Mongolia available in English to draw upon both academic scholarship and archival data which became available only after the collapse of the socialist regime in 1990. The author is a widely acclaimed Mongolian writer who was a founder of the Mongolian Social Democratic Party (MSDP), one of the first opposition parties to be formed and currently a partner in the ruling Democratic Coalition. Baabar also served as Finance Minister of Mongolia under Prime Minister Ts. Elbegdorj. Baabar’s book is now available in English largely due to the special efforts of Ed Story, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Texas, who has worked for the past four years to get this seminal work translated and published in English. Ed Story is also CEO of SOCO Oil Company and a member of the USMBC board of directors. Click here to order
American Business Guide to Mongolia: This guide was prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. This book provides basic information about Mongolia, from history to hotel and restaurant information.  Price: FREE S&H: USD$5.00 (For international shipping, please inquire) Click Here to Order via Email (coming soon)
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Historical Dictionary of Mongolia (Asian Historical Dictionaries No.19),by Alan J.K. Sanders - Focuses on the emerging Mongolia, with entries on persons, institutions, places, and events that have become important in the 1990s, as well as entries on the communist period, and the Mongols beyond Mongolia's borders. Includes a chronology from 1162 to 1994, appendices of new constitution and investment law, and lists of members of key government and other bodies
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Edge of Blue Heaven: A Journey Through Mongolia, a travel journal by Benedict Allen - The book provides excellent photos and gives excellent descriptions of the country's proud people, the harsh yet beautiful landscape, as well as humorous details about author's journeying mishaps. If you don't know much about present-day Mongolia and wish you did, get this book.
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Mongolia Business Law Handbook, by Emerging Markets Investment Center - This law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking.
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Mongolia Country Study Guide, by USA International Business Publications - This study guide contains basic information on economy, government, business, history and geography, climate, traditions, people, places to visit. Provides information on government, political organizations, and more... Includes basic statistics, information on the most important business contacts and business travel. Updated annually.
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