13 th Annual General Meeting of NAMBC
December 7-8-9, 2003--State Plaza Hotel, Washington DC
We are putting together an innovative and exciting program schedule, as described below, which will take AGM delegates around Washington to meet with officials in their own offices. Because of security requirements to enter the State Department and other US government buildings, registrants are asked for their date of birth and Social Security numbers in the registration form below.
We are expecting official visitors from Mongolia to participate as well as a variety of US government officials and private sector leaders.
Headquarters for the AGM will be the State Plaza Hotel, 2117 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037, in the heart of Foggy Bottom, a short walk to the State Department and close to Georgetown. Please see below for instructions on reserving rooms.
PROGRAM -- The following preliminary program is subject to change. NAMBC Members and AGM registrants will receive program updates by email.
Sunday, December 7 --
6:00 - 8:00 PM- Opening reception for early arrivals, the Board of Directors, visiting Mongolian officials, and key US Government officials dealing with Mongolia - Old Town Alexandria (no transportation provided)
Monday, December 8 -
11:45 AM - 2:00 PM - Luncheon with guest speaker,
State Plaza Hotel
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Private meetings with officials at the US Department of State (to be confirmed) including Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia Bill Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for Rule-of-Law and Democracy, Deputy Director for Counterrorism John Dinger, etc.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Reception at venue TBA
Tuesday, December 9 -
9:00 AM - Bus departs State Plaza Hotel for OPIC
9:30 AM -- 11:30 AM -- Private meetings at the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) on financing/insurance program available to investors in Mongolia; plus briefings by officials of USTR
11:30 AM - Bus departs OPIC for Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (MNH)
11:45 AM - 1:45 PM - Luncheon with speaker at MNH (to be confirmed); Election of officers & directors
1:45 PM - Bus departs MNH for State Plaza Hotel
2:00 PM - 4:45 PM - Roundtable meeting at State Plaza Hotel with various officials (to be confirmed)
6:00 PM - TENTATIVE - Concluding reception - TBA
Also, we hope to arrange meetings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, December 10,
with Congressional staff for those willing to stay over in order to help educate
Congress about the FTA.
REGISTRATION FEES - Registration fees include conference attendance and materials,
two receptions, two lunches, and transportation to most conference events within
Washington, DC, on December 8 and 9. Registration
fees do not include hotel rooms, airfare,
airport transfer, or other meals. The deadline
for receiving registration fees is Friday, November
28, after which there is a USD$30 late registration surcharge.
Registration fees are as follows:
Non-Members of the NAMBC -- US$650 per person
NAMBC North American Members -- US$525 per person
Non-Profit Organizations/Government Agencies -- US$325
NAMBC Mongolian Members -- US$250
Mongolian Non-Members -- $350
For registrants from nations other than Canada and the US, the NAMBC will issue a letter confirming delegate status for purposes of applying for a visa ONLY after receiving full payment for registration fees, no exceptions. If registrants are subsequently not granted a visa, the NAMBC will promptly refund the registration fees minus a USD$25 service charge.
If remitting by check drawn on a US bank in US dollars, draw to the order
of the North America-Mongolia Business Council (or just NAMBC) and send to
at 1015 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3551.
Canadian and other registrants should remit
via bank wire transfer to the NAMBC account, Account
#00-19701-7, Burke and Herbert Bank & Trust
Company, 621 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA, ABA #056001066. Bank does
NOT have a SWIFT or BIC
code. To cover wire transfer charges, please add $10
if wired from a US bank or add $25 if wired from a
bank outside the US.
NAMBC has obtained an unusually inexpensive rate (that is, “unusually
inexpensive” by Washington
standards!) for a block of rooms at the State Plaza Hotel, 2117 E Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20037. AGM delegates can obtain the discount rate
for days prior to the AGM or after the AGM on a space-available
basis. The hotel’s
website is www.stateplaza.com
The discount rate is US$119 plus 14.5% tax per night for either single or double occupancy; each additional person in the same room is an addition US$20 per night. You are GUARANTEED a guest room at this rate if you make your reservation on or before November 14, 2003. Reservations received afterwards will be subject to space availability and prevailing rates. Registrants will pay the hotel directly for rooms and incidentals.
You may cancel your reservation without penalty not later than 24 hours prior to your intended arrival. A major credit card must guarantee all reservations. Your “scheduled departure date” may be changed without penalty up until check-in.
You must contact the State Plaza Hotel directly to make your reservations at (202) 861-8200 or toll-free at (800) 424-2859 or via FAX (202) 587-1354. To obtain the discount rate, you must mention the “NAMBC” or “ Group # 7427” when booking your reservation. Please do not contact the NAMBC for hotel reservations.
For further information on the AGM, contact Ray Lepore or Steve Saunders. Please NOTE that we are experiencing episodic email outages; to be safe, please copy any email sent to the NAMBC to [email protected] until further notice.
North America-Mongolia Business Council
1015 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA
(703) 549-8444
FAX (703) 549-6526
Washington, DC - December 7-8-9,2003
Please print out & FAX this form to NAMBC at (703) 549-6526 or MAIL it to NAMBC/AGM, 1015 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3551 USA; remit registration fees by mail, courier service or bank wire transfer.